We have definitely stepped into Autumn in the northern hemisphere, have we not? The days are getting shorter by the minute. There is still some heat on the land, but the sun doesn't quite make it as high in the sky as it did a couple of months ago. And the morning mists have returned, setting the scene for All Hallow's Eve.

Speaking of misty mornings, our October offering is Ghost Horses inspired by a photograph Mr. Al found on FaceBook. He contacted the woman to see if I could use it and obviously she said "yes."
If you like this print, you can find it in our shop. Don't forget...we do take special orders, so if you want the print larger, or smaller or if you would like to purchase the original, just contact us.
This newsletter is short and sweet. Unfortunately, our oldest pup, Pearl, crossed the rainbow bridge yesterday and we just aren't feeling that perky at the moment. She would have been 13 in December, so she had a long life. And now, she is free of any suffering and eating as many bones as she likes.
Pearl would have appreciated the timely humor!

Have a great month! We will touch base in November!!