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Heart Month


Welcome to February! I've been happily painting again. I finished an acrylic-on-paper of a horse (still on a horse jag,) put my acrylic gear away, and brought out my oils to begin an oil-on-paper painting...of a horse...of course. It feels good to return to my oils, like greeting old friends.

So here we are in Heart Month--February. Mr. AL and I want to do something we've been holding off on doing. Once we considered the idea, it seemed silly to postpone it any longer. You see, one of our goals with this business has always been to earn enough to donate to conservation groups we respect and appreciate, but we felt we needed to wait until our fledgling business was a little more steady on its feet.

But why wait? We decided we wouldn't. We got busy. AL created a blank notebook using one of my paintings as cover art, and we will donate 50% of our gross profits to Defenders of the Wildlife.

This means that when you purchase one of these Wolf Wisdom notebooks (and you know how much I love their velvety covers!), you can enjoy unleashing your wild imagination AND feel good knowing your purchase will support those wild animals we all love.

A heartfelt Thank You in advance.

Okay...I've got some paintings to's Mr. AL--

In the fanciful world of Mr. AL or aL, as the case may be,

the Moose (Adept) is finding its image within the grain of the big-leaf maple, homegrown on the AlChemy Ranch Studios property.

While pangs of spring fever begin to stir here in the PNW, a mix of tropical thoughts and short blasts of winter's reminder creep into our consciousness, I shall walk the remanences of the past and share the following loved characters carved from apple tree branch wood, also from the home ground of the then Columbia Heights, Minnesota property. I love to be able to use wood that has lived its life in my stewardship.

Please allow me to introduce 'The Executive Branch,' an imagined corporate staff who have developed their own personalities...ones I'm sure you can all identify with. They eventually evolved into refrigerator magnets. (Hint* They may be found on our website in the near future.) As magnets, the Executive Branch uses panache to archive and display important messages on your fridge!

As each day brings us more sunlight, we know that winter is beginning to lose its grasp, and our verdant curtain again begins to shroud our privacy, blocking out the outside world!

A certain sense of excitement fills our thoughts. We both feel that spring is the BEST time of the year! This month is Bryn's Birthday Quarter (which has expanded from 'Birthday Week' to 'Birthday Month' into 'Birthday One Fourth of the Ficsical Year' as a reason for celebration. Mine is not long to follow, and perhaps I'll consider it as an entire year's jubilee beginning on May 1st! Who's with us?

May you all find as many reasons as possible to celebrate the things (and people) you love. HAPPY HEART MONTH!

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