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The expanding Universe of AlChemy Ranch Studios

It’s May! We are still getting lots of rain, but a couple of dry days are interspersed among the wet ones, allowing for much-needed lawn mowing and gardening prep. I love this month! The leaves are leafing out, and new growth—that beautiful bright green--is everywhere.

And Mother’s Day is this Sunday…which brings me to this month’s offering:

She Wolf and Cub

On Instagram, one of the organizations I follow is the Voyageurs Wolf Project. They track the various packs roaming near Voyagers National Park in northern Minnesota. It is fascinating. You would be surprised how many miles these different packs cover. Yesterday’s post was about tagging and comparing one pack’s batch of wolf cubs with last year’s weight and measurements. They seem to be smaller, making the naturalists feel these cubs were born later than last year since the winter of 2021/22 was long and harsh. It’s sad how few wolf pups survive. All of last year’s litter were tracked through November, but then something happened to them, and they weren’t seen in any footage. However, a neighboring pack’s pups survived. Anyway, animal lovers such as ourselves are captivated. If you’d like some more info, here is the link to the official website:

Speaking of wild critters--

Mr. Al and I have made our first donation to Defenders of the Wildlife. It felt good, and you can feel good, too, because proceeds from the blank greeting card sets contributed to our donation. Thank you.

Speaking of mama animals and their offspring--

I painted a series of them, so stay tuned for more!!

Speaking of our readers--

We appreciated your feedback to our question as to whether or not you would like to read about Brynn. Design’s happenings in this newsletter. It was unanimous. YOU DID!! And so, in the future, we will be including anything newsworthy going on in Brynn Design World, starting with what products are presented in the online boutique.

In addition to the four different pillows, we have added cute, colorful mugs and loungewear (T-shirts, sweatshirts, and sweatpants.) We also have a line of embroidered T-shirts (so you can upscale the look-of-the-tee) and four different throw blankets. I am kinda loving the throws. They are so danged cozy.

Feel like browsing?

Right this way:

And now you are all caught up with what’s happening in my area of expertise. Here is Mr. Al to tell you about what occupied his time:

We've got plans!

ACRS is an expanding universe in conjunction with the other one! It now includes the C.B.Williams author page, her Boutique page, my Scribblings of a heretic page, and past wine barrel cavings page, and the continuing developments of Huldufólk Haven will all be integrated on the website in our extra, non-already-committed time!

*Ha! Slow, but sure wins the race, though, right. I know...right!?!

Ahh, May, it’s my month. Everything is coming back to life after its long winter slumber. The birds are singing (for those that can hear them). All of the colors are bright and fresh. The leaves are beginning to burst forth! New life abounds.

Although not a prerequisite factor in my preference for this month, May is also the anniversary of the time I came into this space-time-reality (my birthday.) Falling within the middle of the month, it occurs near or even on Mother’s Day. The fact of the matter is, I was born on Mother’s Day! Perhaps it’s why I’ve always come from a matriarchal point of view.

As a young adult, I would constantly criticize my mother's point of world view as being "Pollyanna." Turns out, she was always right; it only doesn’t look good if you choose that perspective. She really was an Apple Doll!

We wish you a happy May filled with sunshine, fluffy clouds, and growing things. Cheerio until next month!!

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