I love animals….with a passion. One of the stories my mom enjoyed telling was when I wasn’t even two years old, and I disappeared while our family was visiting friends. They frantically searched all over the house, finding me, at last, crouched down behind a door kissing the cat. Kitties and I go way back.
When you love someone, or some special place, or a beastie, you want to learn as much as possible about them, correct? For me, as a painter, the way I can really and truly know something is to paint it—make a portrait of it. It can be a portrait of a person, or a landscape, or anything I wish to know better. My passion to understand compels me to paint these things again and again, especially the wild creatures we share this beautiful world with. And, the more I paint them, the more I fall in love.
It is my wish that you, the viewer, will also fall in love.
And with that (pausing for dramatic effect...)

Allow me to segue into our latest product:
A set of seven (7) blank, deckled edge notecards, just in time for the holidays!
These 5x7 cards are fine giclée prints. The matching envelopes are deckled-edged as well. The cost is $28.00 per box plus shipping.
Here are the images of all seven cards:

AND…because we love animals so much, 10% of each box we sell will be donated to the Defenders of Wildlife Organization. The Defenders of Wildlife is a non-profit organization, Mr. Al and I believe reflects our values regarding preserving wildlife and their habitats.
Here is their link if you are curious: https://defenders.org
Have a great weekend and rest of the month...enjoy all Samhain, Day of the Dead, and Halloween shenanigans. We will touch base with you in a couple of weeks.
Al and Cammy